What ALL Single Christian Women Forget to Pray About

At my high school youth group, I was blessed/cursed to go to a lot of talks on Christian dating and relationships. 

One popular encouragement was to begin praying for your future spouse and I took that idea all the way to college. I wrote my future spouse letters in my prayer journal and prayed that they would reveal themselves to me ASAP. Like right now or yesterday. 

And I know I’m not the only one who spent a lot of time praying for my future spouse and I know that is still a very popular thing to encourage young Christian women to take up. 

And praying for your future spouse the way you’d pray for anyone else isn’t a bad thing but you could be missing one key thing way more important than praying for someone you don’t know yet. 

That‘s why in this blog we are going to talk about:

  • Who you should pray for before your future husband

  • And what is a better use of your time as a single woman

Pray for yourself first and the most

Yeah, if you’re praying more about your future husband and future life more than you pray for yourself then you are missing the point of prayer

It is good to pray for things we want and need in the future but what about you, right now? Are you praying for an open heart as God molds you into the woman you are meant to be? Are you praying for an increase in virtue and holiness for YOURSELF as much or more than you pray for a holy husband? 

Girl, you can want and pray for a holy husband but what I’m saying is you should want holiness for yourself first and foremost. This life is not about nabbing a man but about becoming a saint so you can know God and help others know him too. 

What you should spend more time of instead of focusing on your future spouse:

Instead of thinking, praying and dreaming about who you will marry someday, think, pray, and dream about the woman you want to be when you meet your husband one day. 

Who do you wish your husband would know one day? Who do you want to give to your children one day?

Now that I’m married I can look back and see why I needed a season to be molded before I was ready to move into a married season. 

Now that I have a son I’m grateful for the time I had on my own to work and address emotional wounds and baggage. That means he has a more whole and healthy person who can help guide him through being a whole and healthy person himself. 

Spend less time fixated on what you want in the future and more time preparing to step into your future completely equipped and prepared. 

Some suggestions 

As your friend, I want to suggest the best way to become more prepared for the next season ahead of you is to work on growing in your own personal holiness and strengthening your relationship with God before you even pursue a relationship with a man. 

Keep reading!


When Dating Feels Hard Read These Scriptures


Being Single Sucks, Here’s What You and God Can Do about it.