The ONE Thing Every Christian Mom NEEDS!

My laundry? It’s DONE. My prayer life? Attended to. My relationship with my husband? Nurtured. My child? Cared for and love! Myself? Never been better! 

Have you ever heard a mom say that and mean it? Or have you heard a mom say that, mean, it and you didn’t think they were superhuman and a little annoying? (Be honest!)

As a new mom, I would have heard those words above and rolled my eyes, or felt immediately envious, maybe a little bit defeated, or maybe even all three! 

But my motherhood didn’t always feel so manageable. Can you relate?

Let me paint the picture for you: 

I was a new mom, having just endured a traumatic 42 hour labor and delivery, suffering from postpartum depression, and getting ready to return to working in a department that had been downsized from three full time employees to just me. 

My baby had colic, my husband worked unpredictable hours, and I did not feel like I could make it through another day. 

In one of my many crying jags, I screamed to my husband, “I CAN’T DO THIS! I’M NOT CUT OUT TO BE A MOM!”

Have you ever said (or thought) that?

The vocation I had prayed for was suddenly upon me and I could not take it. I HATED feeling like I couldn’t handle all that came with motherhood and I hated feeling like I was destined to feel like I was drowning under the weight of my vocation for the rest of forever! 

Thankfully, relief came. Not overnight, and not easily, but the relief did come. And now, I can honestly say I am thriving as a mother. I don’t feel like a failure and I know I can handle everything my vocation will throw at me. 

Is it because I feel like I’m never making mistakes or because I have crazy high self-confidence? Of course not! I make mistakes and doubt myself plenty. 

But I did find something that revolutionized my days and life. Something so simple that I become obsessed with making sure all women knew about it! 

Because no mom deserves to feel like they’re drowning and incapable. You ARE capable, you just need some help seeing it. 

Here’s what helped me – are you ready to have your life changed?

I adopted a Rule of Life.

As a Catholic I had heard about the concept of a Rule of Life, but always in reference to the early monastics and religious brothers and sisters. 

Through A LOT of research, reading, and searching, I found out that a Rule of LIfe is not just for monks and nuns but for ALL Christians seeking to live their vocation with joy! 

Your vocation is the walk of life God has called you to in order to help you grow in Holiness. 

Everyone has one, not just religious brothers and sisters! And yours, in this season, is motherhood. 

A lot of people think a Rule of Life is the strict – well, RULES – that nuns and monks live by, but it’s not it at all. 

The word RULE comes from the Latin word REGULA, which means “GUIDE.” A Rule of Life is simply setting up a GUIDE for how you will live your life and love God! 

Get my guide here!

Once I got serious about bringing order and intention to my days everything felt, well… easier! 

I was doing my motherhood on PURPOSE, caring for my marriage INTENTIONALLY, and THOUGHTFULLY approaching raising my child while giving appropriate attention to my job. 

Sound too good to be true? Well, only if you believe that what God has planned for your life is too good to be true. 

I did the research so that you don’t have to. Get my e-book and worksheets TODAY so you wake up refreshed and on purpose TOMORROW.

Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and have it to the full.” God did not call you to be a mother so you could feel like a stressed-out failure every day. He called you to this vocation to make you holier and he left us all the tools you need to accomplish that goal! 

Keep reading!


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