You Don’t Need More Time! Here’s What you DO need instead
“No one can do this!,” I screamed at my husband.
“How can I nurse the baby, work 40 plus hours a week, cook healthy meals, do the laundry, clean the house, and have ANY time or energy to work out, prayer, or do anything for myself, AND have time to be present to you?!?”
“There are not enough hours in the day! And I am NOT losing more sleep at night!”
These were almost daily statements in my house.
I felt run down, overworked, overextended and WAY overwhelmed!
If I attended to the house, I had no energy for prayer. When work was hectic, I never saw my husband or baby. When I gave up cooking, we spent money on fast food and I felt terrible.
I needed balance, order, and basic health and wellness practices in my life but as a mom, I felt like I just couldn’t get it all in!
If you’re reading this I know it’s because you feel the same!
And as someone on the other side of overwhelm, I can tell you this:
I read tons of books, and listened to tons of productivity podcasts, only to find out that God had already set a plan for us to thrive in motion (no surprise there!)
What I found was the concept of a Rule of Life.
The idea is that everyone needs a guide to living their daily lives in order to make time for God, work, and service.
The early monastics (single men without families and jobs), used a Rule of Life to order their prayers and lives as religious brothers.
If they needed a guide for their days, you better believe busy moms do too!
When I adopted a Rule of Life and was intentional about what I would include in my days, I found that God had given me everything I needed to live a balanced and fruitful life.
Once I adopted a Rule of Life I never went back to floating through my days in mismanaged chaos. Now I attack my days with purpose and I have gotten so much peace and joy in return.
Now, I’m on a mission to help every woman feel the same!
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned and turned it into tools that you can use TODAY to reorder TOMORROW.